
Google seo free tools

  • Google Webmaster tools
SEO analysis tools are
  1. http://www.trugroovez.com/free-seo-tools.htm
  2.  http://www.webuildpages.com/tools/
  3.  http://www.seocompany.ca/tool/11-link-popularity-tools.html.
  • NicheBot
A keyword discovery tool that helps pinpoint the right keywords for optimization
The SERPS Tool
The SERPS (or search engine positioning) tool helps you discover your ranking
across Google and other major search engines in one fell swoop

  • Meta Tag Analyzer

Checks meta information for errors and relevance to page content
Commercial SEO Analysis Software
Keyword Elite
Keyword analysis
SEO Elite
Automated SEO analysis
Lyris HQ
Provides a hosted suite of integrated web tools that includes marketing services,
email, search marketing, web analytics, and web content management (CMS)
SEO Administrator
A suite of SEO analysis tools
The best-known text-only web browser is Lynx. You can find more information about
Lynx at http://lynx.isc.org/
  • The robots.txt File
The following syntax in the robots.txtfile blocks all compliant bots from traversing your entire site:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
• The User-agentline specifies the bot that is to be banished.
• The Disallowline specifies a path relative to your root directory that is banned
  • For more information about working with the robots.txt file, see the Web Robots FAQ. You can also find tools for managing and generating custom robots.txtfiles and robot metatags (explained later) at http://www.rietta.com/robogen/(an evaluation version is available for free download)
  • You can find the entire database of registered and excludable robots and their identifiers (currently about 300) at http://www.robotstxt.org/db.html.

The basics of SEO involve these steps

SEO is the set of techniques used to drive web traffic to websites , optimization of the code , content , and organization of a site.
Effective SEO requires understanding that there needs to be a balance between attracting search engines and interesting human visitors
The basics of SEO involve these steps:
• Understanding how your pages are viewed by search engine software
• Creating content that is attractive to the search engine indexing
• Taking common-sense steps to make sure that the way your pages are coded is optimized from the viewpoint of these search engines
• Organizing your site in a way that makes sense to the search engine index
• Avoiding some overaggressive SEO practices that can get your site blacklisted by the search engines


Creating email lists and surmounting the spam problem

The easiest way to implement email marketing is to use a service. The top email marketing providers to small and medium-sixed enterprises are Constant Contact and iContact , with minimum monthly charges of $10 to $15
  1. Besides basic email management , these services provide some important functionality , including :
  2. Tools for creating attractive HTML email newsletter
  3. Tracking, so you know which recipients click on which links in your email
  4. Targeting , so you can send different content to a variety of recipients with different interests
  5. User management, so user can modify their subscriptions without requiring your intervention
  6. Database tools , so you can better manage your subscribers and understand their behavior
  7. Compliance with anti-spam laws and relationship with ISPs to make sure your emails go through
Action items
Here are some action iterms for you to get started on the road to driving traffic to your website:
  1. Submit your site to search engines.
  2. Resubmit your site to search engines as necessary over time
  3. Get a Google Webmaster Tools account
  4. Verify your site with Google Webmaster Tools
  5. Run Google Webmaster diagnostics on your site
  6. Generate a site map and register it with Google
  7. Get your site listed in the ODP and Yahoo! Taxonomic directories
  8. Work to encourage appropriate inbound linking to your site
  9. Create a topical blog and associate it with your website
  10. Publish a press release
  11. Continue to publish press releases as stories related to your site come up
  12. Create and distribute syndication feeds
  13. Create and maintain a subscription-based email newsletter


Benefit: RSS and Atom

Using syndication feeds to your benefit: RSS and Atom
However , syndication feeds work well as a device for driving traffic to a site because:
  • Feed content is under the control of the publisher.
  • Most feeds contain items that are thematically linked( and can be related to a site)
  • Feed items provide content along with links back to more content on a publisher is site
  • It is easy to distribute a syndication feed
You’ll find links to these tools and to syndication resources in general on the RSS Com Pendium and on O’Reilly’s Xml.com site.

Press Release(PR)

There are several online services that exist to distribute PR, including 24-7PressRelease.com, FreePressRelease.com, and PRWeb
  • TypePad
TypePad is a service run by Six Apart that will host your Movable Type blog for a fee.
  • WordPress hosting
The WordPress organization will host a free blog at a domain like yourblog.wordpress.org. If you need more full hosting services, WordPress recommends commercial hosting providers at http://wordpress.org/hosting/.
  • Blogger
Blogger, owned by Google, provides free blogs at domains like yourblog.blogspot.com.


Page Rank 6

  1. http://currybet.net/
  2. http://carlgalloway.com/
  3. http://sirpi.org/
  4. http://midasoracle.org/
  5. http://blog.mofuse.com/
  6. http://themallblog.com/
  7. http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/blogs/tokaji/
  8. http://brazencareerist.com/
  9. http://weblogtoolscollection.com/
  10. http://eartheasy.com/blog/
  11. http://themallblog.com/
  12. http://hurryupharry.org/
  13. http://thevirtualhandshake.com/blog/
  14. http://blog.photography.si.edu/
  15. http://justintadlock.com/
  16. http://interactiondesign.sva.edu/
  17. http://businessfinancemag.com/
  18. http://jiscdigitalmedia.ac.uk/blog

Page Rank 5 DoFollow Blogs

  1. http://www.oilman.ca/
  2. http://www.communityspark.com/
  3. http://focusorganic.com/
  4. http://www.layercake.net/
  5. http://www.hobo-web.co.uk/seo-blog/
  6. http://justaddwater.dk/
  7. http://blog.dmbcllc.com/
  8. http://therenegadewriter.com/
  9. http://www.iayork.com/MysteryRays/
  10. http://www.lifeinthefastlane.ca/
  11. http://elleeseymour.com/
  12. http://profitsfinancesite.com/
  13. http://links.org.au/
  14. http://www.knrn.org/
  15. http://blogs.cetis.ac.uk/asimong/
  16. http://www.seobythesea.com/

Page Rank 4 DoFollow Blogs

  1. http://dmiracle.com/
  2. http://blog.waxmarketing.com/
  3. http://www.retirement-income.net/blog/
  4. http://www.lifeintherough.com
  5. http://www.marketing-results.com.au/
  6. http://nthambazale.com/
  7. http://www.wordpressmax.com/
  8. http://www.alistseo.com/
  9. http://mikemoran.com/biznology/blog/
  10. http://kikolani.com
  11. http://linguisticszone.blogspot.com
  12. http://comedyplus.blogspot.com/
  13. http://www.phpcafe.net/blog/
  14. http://omgpittsburgh.com/
  15. http://www.scrapscene.com
  16. http://thesisthemehq.com
  17. http://larholm.com
  18. http://www.techjaws.com
  19. http://www.steverenner.com
  20. http://www.jhsiess.com/
  21. http://www.stomperblog.com
  22. http://www.bryper.com
  23. http://www.drownradio.com
  24. http://www.verticalmeasures.com/blog/
  25. http://www.smallbusinessbranding.com/
  26. http://www.barrywise.com/
  27. http://www.memwg.com/
  28. http://www.deardrmoz.com/
  29. http://www.howtowakeupearly.com/
  30. http://alemsys.com/
  31. http://blog.littlerockjams.com/
  32. http://www.affordable-internet-marketing.com/
  33. http://www.articlesnatch.com/blog/
  34. http://rumahabi.com
  35. http://www.costpernews.com
  36. http://www.wallpaperstop.com
  37. http://menstrualpoetry.com/
  38. http://lillieammann.com/blog/
  39. http://www.bokashiman.com/
  40. http://wpcult.com/
  41. http://www.rajtilak.net/
  42. http://blog.winesworld.com/
  43. http://www.javelinmarketing.com/blog/
  44. http://dmiracle.com/
  45. http://www.purplewren.com/
  46. http://fruityoaty.com
  47. http://www.stephanmiller.com
  48. http://laketrees.blogspot.com
  49. http://rumahabi.com/
  50. http://www.lifeintherough.com/
  51. http://abstract2collective.blogspot.com/
  52. http://www.jhsiess.com
  53. http://www.larsbachmann.dk
  54. http://nancyhendrickson.com/
  55. http://poeartica.blogspot.com/
  56. http://heiseidemocracy.com
  57. http://selberg.org/
  58. http://www.middlezonemusings.com
  59. http://www.canadienseneurope.org/

Manual website submission to directories

Manual website submission to directories
All you have to do is to conduct a search for the following combinations:
“add link” + your keywords
“add a link ”+ your keywords
“add site”+ your keywords
“add a site ”+ your keywords
“add your site”+ your keywords
“add URL” + your keywords
“add your URL” + your keywords
“add website” + your keywords
“add a website”+ your keywords
“add your website”+your keywords
“favorite links”+ your keywords
“favorite sites”+ your keywords
“submit URL” + yourkeywords
“submit your URL” + your keywords
“submit website” + your keywords
“submit a website” + your keywords
“submit your website” + your keywords
“submit link” + your keywords
“submit a link” + your keywords
“submit your link” + your keywords
“submit site” + your keywords
“submit a site” + your keywords
“submit your site” + your keywords
“link exchange” + your keywords
“link trade ” + your keywords
“link swap” + your keywords
“recommended links” + your keywords
“recommended sites” + your keywords
“recommended places” + your keywords
“recommended websites” + your keywords
“cool sites” + your keywords
“cool places” + your keywords
“cool websites” + your keywords
“suggest site” + your keywords
“suggest website” + your keywords
“suggest a website” + your keywords
“suggest your website” + your keywords
“suggest link” + your keywords
“suggest a link” + your keywords
“suggest your link” + your keywords
“suggest a site” + your keywords
“suggest your site” + your keywords
“suggest URL” + your keywords
“suggest a URL” + your keywords
“resources” + your keywords
“exchange links” + your keywords

add link” + google seoseowebsite design

Finding the right frequency of submission to direstories.

The frequency depends on several factors :
  1. How old the domain is.
  2. What PageRank the domain has
  3. The quantity and value of back links to the domain currently indexed by the search engine
Find the best frequency for your site.
New domain (new domains also include the sites that have a few back links and the sites that have been in search engines results for 3 months or less)

First week –max 8-10 direcrories per day
Next 7-10 days –max 15 directories per day
Rest time-10-15 directories per day
When the directories list comes to the end, you should better add to max 5 directories per day during the last 10 days

Standard domain
(The sites that are less than 1 year old , display in search engine results, have some back links and indexed pages)

The best way is to start adding to directories with a high PageRank:
First week-15-20 directories per day
Next weeks -10-15 directories per day
Old domain
(The sites that are older than 2 years, have been more than 1-2 years in search engines, have the internal pages indexed, have back links from pages with PR3 or higher)
There are no special rules.It is enough to add the site on a consistent basis.
It is recommended to submit to minimum 15 directories per day.
When the directories list comes to the end, the best way is to add to max 7-10 directories per day during the last 7 days.

Secret tips for successful website submission

So, to succeed in the site submission to free link directories , you will want to follow these rules:
#1. Choose relevant directories.
  • Why are relevant sites preferable ? for two reasons:
  1. The links on the relevant pages may bring your traffic because they are related to the page theme.
  2. The search engines will consider these links as more valuable and your web pages will appear more relevant to your target search phrases.
#2. Submit your site only once .
  • Do not submit the same website to the same directory more than one time.
#3. Submit your home page only.
  • Do not submit deep links
#4.Choose the relevant sub-category form the list .

  • Do not submit your site to the top-level category (unless this is allowed by Submission Guidelines)
#5.Read the directory Submission Guidelines.
  • If your website does not meet the submission requirements , you won’t waste your time for the directory .
#6.Use the email address from the same domain .
  • Do not use a free email address when you fill in the form to submit your site.
#7.Build your links slowly.


Submission of the site to web directories

Link building strategies
  • The reciprocal links were the number 1 in the SEO process.
  • Building links is a challenging  process , and reciprocal links are often the easiest ones to acquire , especially for new brand sites.
  • The reciprocal links make no more than 25% of the total amount of your inbound links.
  • But the reciprocal links between the site on home design and the site related to SEO is not a good idea.

Submission of the site to web directories
The secret to know when building  your links is that search engines like natural link structure and hate artificial link structure.
Natural links Artificial links
Anchor text varies
Grow in number gradually
If the site exchange links , the link points to reputable pages only
Anchor text is the same
Appear in great number suddenly
Many are reciprocal
The site links to link farms, or web rings , or isolated nodes.
Preparing the website for submission
  • Title
  • Keywords 
  • Description
  • Do not write the titles in ALL CAPS
Diversify your titles in a 40%/40%/20% manner:
  1. 40% contain generic anchors like”Click here”, “Read more”,”Go here”,..
  2. 40% contain a generic anchor and your domain .(ex: “visit yourdomain.com”,”click yourdomain.com”,”visit my website domain.com” )
  3. 20% of your anchors contain your keywords.

Submitting websites to search engines

Google and most other search engines use several separate mechanisms:
  • A program that scrawls the web to find sites , also called a crawler or a spider.Once found (crawled), site are placed in the search engine is index.
  • Software that ranks sites are placed in the search engine is index to determine their order of delivery when some one uses google to search for a particular keyword or phrase.
Important search engines for submission
Search engineSubmission URL
Binghttp://search .yahoo.com/info/submit.html

The best-known example of this kind of site is Submit Expresss, which will submit your URL to 40 site for free

Useful free services and software

TinyURL: it allows you to convert , unwieldy URLs.
Alexa : analytisc keywords
Smarty: templating system PHP free.

Creating successful websites:

 The taxonomy of success
1.The website is humorous and makes visitors laugh
2.The website provides a useful free service
3.The website is an online magazine or newspaper
4.The website provides opinions in the form of a blog or blogs
5.The website provides practical information.
6.The website sells a popular produc or service
7.The website services a community and provides communication tools for that community


Building links

Typically a link consists of two parts:

  • URL(uniform Resource Locator ).This is the web address of the site your link points to .
  • Anchor text.This is the visible text of the link.

Google is known to look at these factors when ranking a website googleseovn:

  1. Number and quality of the links from other sites.
  2. Anchor text of the links.( not use the same anchor text for all links either , google sees those links as spam.)
  3. Historical factors.

After the recent Google Panda Update it is important that you diversify your anchor text in a 40%40%20% manner:

  • 40% contain generic anchors like:

Click here
Read more
Go here
Find out more here
Find out info here
Learn more here
Visit this link
Click this link
Visit this site
Continue reading

<a href="http://googleseovn.com/" title="google seo">Click here</a>
  • 40% contain a generic anchor and your domain , for example:
Visit yourdomain.com site
Click yourdomain.com
Visit my website domain.com
Read more on my site domain.com
Find out more at domain.com
Click on domain.com for a full article
<a href="http://googleseovn.com/" title="google seo">Visit googleseovn.com site</a>
  • 20% of your anchors contain your keywords.

Link to google seo vn

Link building

  • SEO is the process of taking steps with your website to make it highly ranked by the search engines for your desired search terms.The key element in getting a higher page rank is link building .Building high-quality links to your website that appear natural to search engines is one and most important step towards increasing your page rank.

Why are links so important for your online success?

  1. Links make your website get indexed by search engines so they begin ranking googleseovn for target keywords.
  2. Search engines use links to determine how relevant googleseovn is to search terms.